
On 5 Nov., 16:28, Glenn Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong or if there's a
> bug injCarousel.
> The number of items in myjcarouselis dynamic, and i have a 'live
> filtering' feature on the client side too, so the number of items may
> change in runtime, and the only working way I've gotten that to work
> is to follow the steps 
> inhttp://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/msg/39e31f997e6d87a0.
> ie. recreate the carousel.
> Anyway, when thejcarouselis initialized with too few items, meaning
> the items doesn't fill the carousel in with, I get an error:
> el has no properties
> [Break on this error] el.offsetWidth + $jc.margin(el, 'marginLeft') +
> $jc.margin(el, '...
> There is a couple of loops in the code that loop, not the items, but
> the number of possible visible item, resulting in null-items. Just to
> be sure, I modified the example 
> athttp://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/static_simple.html
> so it only had 2 items. I got the same error there.

i've just released a new version which includes a fix for that. Thanks
for the bug report.


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