I am toying around with a form where I am using the validate plugin.

What I am after is that before a form is submitted, an ajax query must
return true/false in order for the form to validate.


A select with country codes and names
User puts in a phone number
Clicks submit
Before submittal the form sends an ajax query with the phone number and
country code ( from the select's value attribute ) and gets a true/false of
whether the phone number contains enough digits for the country code. A
server side script validates the required number of digits.

Validator will then display something like "A phone number for the country
you have chosen requires X digits." Where X was returned by the ajax query.
I can use json to return the true/false and the number of digits required.

Here is what I have been toying with.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.1.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.validate.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
$().ready(function() {
        rules: {
            phoneNumber: {
                required: true,
                minLength: $.get("validate.lasso", { countryCode:
$("countryCode").val(), phoneNumber: $("phoneNumber").val() } )
        messages: {
            phoneNumber: {
                required: "Please enter a phoneNumber",
                minLength: "Your phoneNumber must consist of at least 2

I have been playing around with the selectors to see if I can submit the
correct data to the server at least. The server always says I have submitted
"undefined" for both.

I am new to jQuery so I thank any of you for any help you can offer.



T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
Steffan A. Cline 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                             Phoenix, Az
http://www.ExecuChoice.net                                  USA
AIM : SteffanC          ICQ : 57234309
GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline             Lasso Partner Alliance Member

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