On Nov 15, 4:11 pm, "window.close" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Wizzud and thank you for your reply!
> > Assuming that function A can be called an unknown/unspecified number
> > of times before #button may actually be clicked, and that what happens
> > when #button is eventually clicked is determined by the most recent
> > call to function A, then ...
> No, after functionA is called, the page is blocked by blockUI - I can
> either unblock it with the submit button or the cancel button.

>From your original code...
this.functionA = function(parameter1, parameter2){

// blockUI - yes I can see that
     $.blockUI(TextEditLayer, {border:'none'});

// ONE button here - submit or cancel, I don't know which.
// If there's a second button - as you state - somewhere else then
// this one may not be clicked for any 1 particular call to
// in which case the first part of my assumption holds true
     $('#button').bind('click', function() {
         var oAjaxObject = new Array();
         oAjaxObject[0] = TextEditTextbox.value;
         oAjaxObject[1] = iJobNumber;

If the first part of my assumption is true, then the fact that your
code is binding a click handler to #button each and every time that
functionA is called means that the second part of the assumption must
also hold true.

> If I use>    $('#button').unbind('click').one('click', function() {
> the function is never called.

I assume you mean the anonymous click handler never runs?
If, having called functionA, you have a element on your page with a
*unique* id of 'button', and you click it, then there is absolutely no
reason why the following code would not run (assuming it doesn't
         var oAjaxObject = new Array();
         oAjaxObject[0] = TextEditTextbox.value;
         oAjaxObject[1] = iJobNumber;
ie. everything inside the anonymous click handler function bound to
#button (I've excluded the unbind). The only thing that could prevent
it running when #button was clicked would be if some other bit of code
subsequently unbound the click event from #button before it could be
clicked upon?

> If I try>    $('#button').unbind('click');
> >    $('#button').bind('click', function() {
> no event is unbound - it's called as often as I call functionA
> Any guess?

Is #button unique?
What version of jQuery are you running?
Is there some other code I am unaware of ? Like the second button's
click handler, maybe?

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