You can use options with the form plugin.   This might get you going
in the right direction:

    beforeSubmit: myValidationFn,
    success:  mySuccessFn,
    error: myErrorFn

function myValidationFn(formData, $form, opts) {
    for (var i=0; i < formData.length; i++) {
        if (!formData[i].value) {
            alert('All fields are required!');
            return false;

function mySuccessFn(data, status) {
    // add response to comment list

function myErrorFn(xhr, status, err) {
    alert("Error submitting form: " + err);

On Nov 15, 2007 6:54 PM, Action <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if any of you jQuery + CakePHP users could help me out
> here...
> I have a blog-like page that contains a post, comments, and a new
> comment form. I want the new comment form to submit using ajax and
> have the newly added
> comment appear in the comments list.
> Currently, I'm using the jQuery Form Plugin to submit the form:
> So far, the form submission works, but all that is happening is the
> data being saved. The view does not show any validation error messages
> defined in the model and does not show the new comment (I have to
> refresh the page to get the comment to show up and the validation
> error messages never show up).
> How can I fix this so the form not only submits using ajax, but the
> form data is also rendered in the view if saved, or the appropriate
> validation error messages appear?
> Thanks.

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