
On Nov 19, 2:03 pm, James Dempster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oops... or alternatively use break points and step though your coding
> using the debugger in firebug
> On Nov 19, 5:07 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On one page, Firefox throws the "a script is taking too long" message.
> > On clicking 'Debug Script', it points to the following line of jQuery:
> > /            first.push(second[i]);
> > /Which is in...
> > /            merge: function(first, second)
> >             {
> >              }
> > /
> > Assuming that there aren't any problems with jQuery, how can i find out
> > which code is throwing this error?
> > Thanks
> > Fahed

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