Have you checked out the dimensions plugin?  It has lots of power to place
things exactly where you want them.  Even relative to the viewable area.


On Nov 18, 2007 12:41 PM, S. Robert James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to position an element at the bottom of the screen.  This is
> easy, using position: fixed and bottom: ...px.
> However, on screens higher than 600px, I'd like to fix it at 600px
> from the top.  That is, if the screen is shorter than 600px, push it
> to the bottom of the screebn otherwise, push it down to 600px.  Is
> there anyway to do this?
> If this can be done with CSS alone, great! If it needs jQuery, please
> let me know how to do it (of course, pure CSS would be preferred, but
> I don't know if it's possible.)
> Thanks

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