Hi Joel,

Well, I have found the source of the problem (which isn't superfish
per se). If I un-include the jQuery plugin "interface," the entire
menu works as it should.

Here's a link to the problem in action:


If you comment out the script element for interface.js, the problem
goes away in IE. The interface plugin is interfering somehow, I just
have not figured out how yet...


On Nov 17, 12:38 am, "Joel Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jared,
> I have not been able to reproduce this problem at all so it's hard to
> give any decent advice. The thread you linked to shows that Noobert's
> problem was resolved and his issue turned out to be other CSS on the
> page interfering with the menu.
> Quote from that thread:
> "Aha! I found the problem. It has nothing to do with your excellent plugin.
> There was a z-index issue with some of the absolutely positioned elements on
> the page. My mistake."
> If this was a Superfish bug then I would think that the vertical 
> example:http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/vertical-example/
> ...would suffer from it as there are four levels of menu there, but it
> works perfectly for me in IE6 and IE7. Do you have a link we could
> look at so we can investigate further and get to the bottom of the
> matter in your case?
> Joel Birch.

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