On Nov 19, 6:23 pm, Moonwalker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok I found the solution. It appears like I'm not using the last CSS
> theme. I downloaded the one 
> here:http://dev.jquery.com/view/trunk/themes/dark/dark.tabs.css
> And it worked fine. Just one final question. Is it possible to use the
> link in my applications? So let's say:
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://dev.jquery.com/view/trunk/themes/
> dark/dark.tabs.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="Dark
> (Default)">
> Instead of:
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../themes/dark/dark.tabs.css" type="text/
> css" media="screen" title="Dark (Default)">
> The first one is linked to the CSS online hosted by jquery.com, the
> second one is to my local files. I would like to know if it's allowed
> to link to the one hosted on jquery.com and what are the disadvantages
> of it. Until know I seem always to work with an older version of
> something.

It's possible, but you shouldn't be doing it. First of all, if you do,
you're consuming bandwidth for jquery.com which needs to be paid for -
not by you unless you're donating continously ;-)

Moreover these files are worked on and you may get a file that doesn't
work well in one or the other browser from time to time if you use
that URL. And last not least, the file's URL may change without you
noticing it.

So you're well advised to get a copy of the file via SVN and put it
onto your own server.


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