I noticed you are using jquery.corner,  That plugin still has some
problems...particularly in Safari.  There is CurvyCorner jQuery Plugin
but I found it has issues with IE 7 possibly 6 too.

I found that if you call the curvycorners plugin and then under it
call within an IE conditional statement the plugin in for
jquery.corner and then in your document.ready just call the .corner()
like normal it'll solve all rounded corner issues...it's a hack but
it'll work.

You can look at the source of my blog for an example of what I am
talking about http://www.damnralph.com

> Hello everybody,
> first of all a big thank you to everybody who contributes to this
> mailinglist - it's a lot of help just to read through the comments!
> Now I want to present my project which makes massiv usage of the
> brillant jquery-library!
> It's called TUBESEARCH and you can find it 
> here:http://www.checker-forum.de/wbblite/tubesearch.php
> Plugins in use are jquery.corner and jquery.modal!
> What do you think about my project? Any improvements to make?

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