I created an example based on the code you provided and was unable to
reproduce an error. Could you provide an example online somewhere?


Brandon Aaron

On Nov 20, 7:09 pm, wahyudinata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jQuery.create_table.prepare_add_item=function()
> {
>         var items=$('#canvas > thead > tr > th');
>         var prev_value='';
>         var input_item=$('#input_item');
>         var head=$('#canvas > thead > tr');
>        // FIRST METHOD
>         $('#canvas > thead > tr > th').click(
>                 function()
>                 {
>                         alert($(this).attr('id'));
>                 }
>         );
>         $('#canvas > thead > tr > th').livequery(
>                         function()
>                         {
>                                 $(this).click(function(){
>                                         alert($(this).attr('id'));
>                                 })
>                         }
>         );
>         //THIRD METHOD
>         $('#canvas > thead > tr > th').livequery('click',
>                 function(event)
>                 {
>                         var elem=$(this);
>                         alert(elem.attr('class'));
>                         if (elem.is('.manipulated'))return;
>                         elem.addClass('manipulated');//add class that it is 
> being
> manipulated
>                         prev_value=elem.html();//store whatever it's in here 
> before
>                 //      alert(elem.id);
>                         elem.empty();
>                         elem.append(input_item);
>                 }
>         );
> <table id="canvas" border="1">
>         <thead>
>                 <tr>
>                         <th id="1">was</th>
>                         <th id ="2" class="add_item">First item to 
> compare</th>
>                 </tr>
>         </thead>
>         <tbody>
>                 <tr class="add_attr">
>                         <td> <input type="text" value="" disabled="true"></td>
>                 </tr>
>         </tbody>
> </table>
> </div>
> <span id="assets" style="display:none;">
>         <input id="input_item" type="text" />
>         <span id="attribute">
>                 <input id="name" type="text" />
>                 <select>
>                         <option>text</option>
>                         <option>number</option>
>                         <option>time</option>
>                         <option>true/false</option>
>                         <option>video</option>
>                 </select>
>         </span>
> </span>
> on clicking:
> The first method works as advertised.
> the second method gives me undefined
> the third method gives me undefined and will throw an error on
> elem.addClass() , the error is "t has no properties"
> Am I missing something?

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