On Nov 21, 2:06 am, Talv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Im vey new to Jquery started today infact moving over from mootools
> and so far whilst things are differnet im developing at a very fast
> rate, the main reason i moved was because i couldnt get history
> managers to work correctly so in the applicaition in developing all
> the pages i "GET" are working correctly but im not sure how to "POST"
> or if thats even possbile using History Remote, i notice that it uses
> the .load function:
>                 target.load(href, function() {
>                     target['locked'] = null;
>                     callback.apply(a);
>                 });
> which suggests that currently this is not possible but if it is so
> could someone please enlighten me. Another question i have is can i
> use history manager for form submits to note a page change, sounds
> weird i know but i have an unavoidable multi page form (groan!) and
> was wondering if this would be possible at all.
> Thanks in advance guys :D
> Talv

Unless you're submitting forms via Ajax form submits can't be
"historized" with the history plugin or any other history manager. All
these solutions need the fragment identifier of the browser's URL to
be changed, which can't be done by submitting a form.

But if you're submitting the form via Ajax you can easily enable
history for links that trigger such a submit:

$('a.submit').history(function() {
    // submit the form

Important is that such links point to some fragment identifier, like:

<a class="submit" href="#submit">Submit</a>

The form plugin makes it a no-brainer to implement Ajax forms.


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