I'm having a weird problem. . .

When I add:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

to the top of my index page, the css calls from the code snippet below
stop working.

// propfuncs -
function update_property( id, property, value ) {
        if ( property == "posx" ) {
                $("#" + id).css( "left", value );
        } else

        if ( property == "posy" ) {
                $("#" + id).css( "top", value );
        } else

        if ( property == "width" ) {
                $("#" + id).css( "width", value+"px" );
        } else

        if ( property == "height" ) {
                $("#" + id).css( "height", value+"px" );
        } . . .

If i remove the DTD header the code works fine.

Is the latest jQuery from the SVN repository broken, or am I just
missing something.

Any thoughts or ideas?


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