Hi Shawn,

your feedback is welcome, and you make some good obversavations.

The least I can say is: I'm working on it. Actually I've implemented a scrolling result list (both mouse and keyboard navigatable) today and tuned some other stuff (making it thickbox compatible).

For a (too) long time I hesitated to promote my "solution" too much, to avoid lurking people into using a buggy and incomplete solution. Maybe that decision was wrong. But now I'm very near to be able to release 1.0 finally. Once that is done, I'll try to promote it, be it on the plugin page(s), be it on various other resources (say, ajaxian). When starting work on the autocomplete I talked with Dylan about it, and at least he has no problem to take his solution down. I'll try contact other authors, too.

About the value-id issue: I want to tackle that, too. So far the plan is to provide an option "replace" or "select" (not sure about the name yet). Its just a boolean flag. Once set to "true", it'll hide the input you apply the autocomplete to, create a new one (using the original name and append some suffix like "_autocomplete"), apply the same classes etc. and setup handlers to automatically write the select ID into the hidden field. So while it emulate a select 100% on the clientside, there won't be any difference for the serverside: The user selects some text, but submits a value.

Let me know what you think about these aspects. Even feedback on names and suffixes is helpful :-)


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