Phew. I thought it was just me being stupid!!

It is a great script and delivers 90% of what we are looking for - but
when I sent it off for testing the main feedback was that users want
to click on all the icons they can see - not open, then click the
closebutton so that they can open another tip.

You have "thought out loud" exactly what we need. If you think it
might be doable in the short term please let me know. I will try to
make it work at my end and report back - but we are running close to
the deadline and I may need to change things round to appease the
powers that be.

Great work by the way and thanks for the quick response.


On Nov 23, 2:23 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 22, 2007, at 8:24 AM, PJ wrote:
> > Hello
> > I'm pretty sure I am missing atrick here - but just in case...
> > I have the following collection of images/buttons that display a
> > sticky clueTip when clicked:
> > $('a.warn').cluetip({
> >            activation: 'click',
> >            width: 180,
> >            'sticky': true,
> >            cluetipClass: 'warning',
> >            dropShadow: true,
> >            'closePosition': 'title',
> >            closeText: 'close',
> >            arrows: true
> >    });
> > Currently, with a "tip A" open, I have to close "tip A" before I open
> > another tip ("tip B") - clicking on the "tip B" launcher when "tip A"
> > is open does nothing. I would like it so that, if I have "tip A" open
> > already, then when i click to open "tip B" "tip A" closes itself.
> > I hope that makes sense? Can clueTip cope with this or do I need to do
> > something extra myself?
> > Many Thanks
> Hi PJ,
> You're not missing anything. What you've described is a limitation of  
> the plugin as it's currently implemented. I'm not sure how to go about  
> making it work the way you would like it, but I'll give it some more  
> thought. The problem is that, currently, if you have "activation:  
> click," the script tries to toggle the tooltip's visibility. When the  
> tooltip is visible, it hides it; when it's hidden, it shows it. But,  
> as you've pointed out, this becomes a problem when you click one link  
> to show a tooltip and then immediately click another. It'll try to  
> close it. Clicking again will show it with the new contents. I guess  
> what I have to do (I'm thinking out loud now) is remember the actual  
> element that gets clicked each time and then only hide the tooltip if  
> the same element is clicked the next time. If something else is  
> clicked, carry on as if the tooltip were hidden (reposition it and  
> dump in the new contents). Again, I'll have to dig through the code  
> and try to figure out how best to do this. But if anyone has a quick  
> idea, feel free to jump in. :-)
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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