
I have the exact same problem and frankly, I'm out of ideas.
Last thing I tried was writing a widget, to rebind events, but clicks
are fired n+1 number of sortings.

I'm a JS (and jQuery) noob, but I'd really appreciate a solution /
workaround / hack / whatever.

I guess I'll sort the table through ajax or even reload the page :/,
too bad, because I really liked the idea of using tablesorter.

Raymond, could you please describe your workaround?

On Nov 8, 3:20 pm, Raymond78 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> First, a big thanks for creating this great plugin! Very nice.
> I am using TableSorter 2.0 on a table which contains rows on which I
> have added some event handlers (using jquery; the events have nothing
> to do with sorting, they're for highlighting and processing clicks).
> These event handlers work fine, until I click on a column heading to
> sort the table. The sorting works fine, but the event handlers don't
> work anymore. After having a look at the sourcecode, it seems to me
> that TableSorter effectively removes any event handlers because of the
> way it sorts the table. I studied all documentation and examples, but
> I couldn't find anything to do this. (There is something to trigger
> sorting, but that is the other way around.)
> My question is, is this correct, or am I overlooking something here?
> Is there is any way to preserve the row event handlers?
> For now, I have created a small workaround by passing an extra
> parameter that contains a function call, which is called after the
> sorting is finished; but if there is already a way to do this I'd like
> to know.
> I hope someone can help me out. Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Raymond

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