Hi Jörn,

you misunderstand my meaning.my english is poor,so i don't how to describe
my opinion.
The first problem is about the code following:

stopRequest: function(valid) {
   if ( valid && this.pendingRequest == 0 && this.submitted && this.form() )

after ajax request success,it call the method of stopRequest,and form submit
event was fired. In my opinion,don't submit the form,just show the message
of the field that invoke remote validation if valid or not.understand me

And the second problem is about the code following:

data: {
      value: value,
      name: element.name

In my opinion is like this


and people can add more params to it.

I hope i presente that clearly to you.
sorry for my poor english again.And thanks your replies.Thank you!

2007/11/29, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jacky Chen schrieb:
> > Hi,
> >
> > submit is called after remote validation.it <http://validation.it> is
> > not good for user experience.it <http://experience.it> should just
> > update the just field validation info.
> Now, I didn't get that one. Try again?
> >
> > and another problem is that i can't define the name of the data that
> > to be validation.in <http://validation.in> remote it is
> > data:{value:value}.In my exists validation program,it not receive a
> > field name as value,and i couldn't to change it,beacause some others
> > programs use it already.
> If I undertand that right, you want to get both the value and the
> fieldname? That makes good sense to me, I'll add it right now for you to
> give it a try.
> Hope at least that helps.
> Jörn

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