In our app we include all jquery/javascript code in our "main" page
rather than loading more scripts via AJAX.  We can then manipulate the
new content (loaded via AJAX) using those already existing scripts,
functions, etc.  As far as binding events to this new content, we
generally use the livequery plugin for that.

On Nov 30, 2:12 pm, spherop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i am loving jquery and the foray into a very ajax centric development
> approach.
> i am stuck though on a key architectural question.
> my app loads different aspects of the ui separately into divs ... and swaps
> out div content according to ui actions. very responsive and elegant from
> user standpoint.
> the key thing i  am unclear on is how the newly ajax-loaded content can
> access the javascript functionality of the rest of the page/app. say the
> jquery library itself for example, or my own scripts, classes/functions.
> should every loaded content chunk (using php) require_once: jquery lib, my
> libs, jquery plugins etc?
> won't this have a negative performance impact? or will browser caching kick
> in and make it a moot point? or is there another way i should approach
> things?
> --
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