
This looks really good. Especially, thanks for gathering a bunch of summary
information in your well-written docs. I was about to dive back into ARIA,
and you gave me a great starting point. A quick bit of feedback on the API:

1. I prefer acronyms exceeding 3 chars to be not all caps. AriaRole,
AriaState, is a lot easier to read and type.
2. When I first saw hasARIARole and hasARIAState, I assumed it would return
a boolean (has- and is- suggest boolean to me). Since it's returning a set
of elements, perhaps something like AriaRoleFilter, AriaStateFilter would be
more jQuery-like. Also, it would keep it in the same namespace, by starting
with the Aria prefix.

Haven't had a chance to look into your code yet, but wanted to give you
these two thoughts while I had them looking at your docs. Again, nice work.

- Richard

On Dec 3, 2007 12:24 AM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Because 1) I haven't been able to find much about jQuery and WAI-ARIA
> (Accessible Rich Internet Applications), and 2) I wanted to try to get
> my head around ARIA, I've written a jARIA plugin.
> code:
> docs:
> It should make implementing ARIA in jQuery-based Web apps relatively
> simple.
> Any comments, questions or suggestions are more than welcome.
> I apologize if I've reduplicated anyone's effort.
> Best,
> Chris
> email: mistermuckle *at* gmail *dot* com

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