OK, I tried $("#utmtrans").val($("#utmtrans").val() + 'test');

Here's the HTML before this gets called:

        <form style="display:none;" name="utmform">
                <textarea id="utmtrans" name="utmtrans" >

And here's what I see when I "view generated source" with the firefox
add on web developer toolbar.:

<form style="display: none;" name="utmform">

                <textarea id="utmtrans" name="utmtrans">                

test, does not get appended there.  I actually don't need to append
the text, but I need to simply add it.  .html() didn't seem to work.
Anything else I can try?

On Dec 3, 9:11 pm, David Serduke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd try
> $("textarea").val($("textarea").val() + txt);
> David
> On Dec 3, 4:27 pm, cfdvlpr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > append() doesn't seem to work.   I also tried this function that was
> > mentioned in another thread here by John and that doesn't seem to work
> > for me either.  Anyone else got this to work?  What might I be
> > missing?
> > $.fn.appendVal = function(txt) {
> >     return this.each(function(){
> >         this.value += txt;
> >     });
> > };- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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