
Just extact the value of the input fields and replace it with a text node.

This is untested but should work:
$("input:text").each(function() {
    var $this=$(this);


2007/12/7, Johan_S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello.
> Is there a way / plugin to have this plugin work "the other way
> around" ?
> http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable/default.html
> If JS is turned off, i want the form controls to be visible on the
> page so you can use them.
> If JS is turned on, i want to activate them with a click/mouse over.
> I want the controls to be hidden and accessible on a need-to-use
> basis. If they're straight on the page from the beginning, it will
> feel like they "should" be filled out..
> If JS is turned off I have no choice but to show them, and that's fine
> in that situation.
> Thanks!
> Best
> Johan
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Johan Sjöstrand
> Interaction Designer
> Phone: +46-(0)8-410 352 24
> Mobile: +46-(0)709-27 52 24
> www.doberman.se
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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