Hi everybody,

ok, I'm in a big trouble right now. Let me try to explain my
problem :)

I'm trying to create a simple photo editing system. I need to define a
DIV as the canvas, then to have many methods applicables to this

My first reflex was to create a jQuery extension, something like this
(just to give the idea):

jQuery.Photo = {
        create: function(settings){
        crop: function(...){

        Photo: jQuery.Photo.create,
        crop: jQuery.Photo.crop

Very well, now I was able to create my editable photo by using $
("#photo").Photo() and to crop by using $("#photo").crop()

BUT, the problem is that I need to extend jQuery with every method I
want to use on my photos. For example crop() is now in the global
scope, and this is very ugly. To do well I should name it PhotoCrop,
but this I don't find it's a good solution. What I would like is to
have methods only usable on instances of the Photo object, in its
local scope. For ex, in core javascript it would be like that:

function Photo(){

Photo.prototype.crop = function(){

The problem is that I don't find any way to do this properly with
jQuery. Maybe somebody here could help me?

Many thanks in advance!


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