Something like this might work...not tested.


On Dec 12, 2007 4:55 PM, Van <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The contains selector works fine with tags (a:contains()) etc. but
> doesn't seem to work with $(this).  What is the best way to use
> contains with "this"??
> here is my scenario:
> var matchingText = "Text2";
> <ul class="list">
> <li><a href="#">Text1</a></li>
> <li><a href="#">Text2</a></li>
> </ul>
> I want to see if the text in matchingText matches text in any of the
> anchor tags.  My goal is to add a class to the anchor tag that has
> matching text and would like to use the ul.list selector to run
> through each of the n amount of anchor tags (descendants of ul class
> "list")
> I've tried selecting them in-line, or with a .each() loop and each
> time I cant seem to match using jQuery syntax...
> Thanks for the help.

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