So, i looked at the plugin and found this line:

 * @desc The default set of options for the object or embed tag.

and added the following lines:

        allowscriptaccess: 'always',
        allowfullscreen: 'true'

and that did the trick. Although, I may still play with a method that
does not involve tinkering with the plugin.

On Dec 13, 9:55 am, starepod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm a little out of my depth and am looking for a some help. I am
> attempting to use the <a href="
> item=JW_FLV_Player">JW FLV Player</a> with the <a href="http://
>">jQuery Flash Plugin</a> by Luke
> Lutman.
> The issue I am running into is how to pass both parameters, in this
> case 'allowscriptaccess' as well as flash variables through the
> script. The intended outcome would be along the lines of:
> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="flvplayer.swf"
> id="player" name="player" quality="high" allowfullscreen="true"
> allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="file=/
> foo.flv&amp;height=250&amp;width=600>
> Right now I am using the plugin to replace this:
> <a class="media" href="CHIPPROMO320X240.flv" rel="video/
> previewchip.jpg">The Chip Video</a>
> with this:
> <embed flashvars="&amp;file=CHIPPROMO320X240.flv&amp;image=video/
> previewchip.jpg&amp;width=264&amp;height=218" 
> pluginspage=""; src="video/flvplayer.swf"
> type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="218" width="264"><a
> style="display: none;" class="media" href="CHIPPROMO320X240.flv"
> rel="video/previewchip.jpg">The Chip Video</a>
> using this (inside (document).ready()) :
> $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]"flv"]').flash(
>   { src: 'video/flvplayer.swf', height: 218, width: 264 },
>   { version: 7 },
>   function(htmlOptions) {
>     $this = $(this);
>     htmlOptions.flashvars.file = $this.attr('href');
>     htmlOptions.flashvars.image = $this.attr('rel');
>     htmlOptions.flashvars.width = '264';
>     htmlOptions.flashvars.height = '218';
>     $this.before($.fn.flash.transform(htmlOptions));
>     $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]"flv"]').hide();
>   }
> );// end flash embedder
> So I have flash variables working just fine. I am not certain where to
> add additional parameters. The params i am going to use will be the
> same for all of the videos. I need to add: allowfullscreen="true" and
> allowscriptaccess="always".
> Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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