On Dec 18, 10:22 am, "Jesse R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on building a shopping cart and wanted to utilize
> jQuery's ajax methods to enhance some response times.  If you go 
> tohttp://www.blueskyvineyard.com/dry-wineand add an item to the cart,
> then either click the "+" or "-" to increase or decrease the quantity,
> it works just as expected in Firefox.  However, in either flavor of
> IE, it will only increment or decrement once, and then will stop
> functioning.  Here is my current code:
> jQuery(document).ready(function(){
>       jQuery("#highlight").animate({
>         backgroundColor: "#b1f3b1"
>       }, 500 );
>           jQuery("#highlight").animate({
>         backgroundColor: "white"
>       }, 500 );
>           jQuery("#highlight").animate({
>         backgroundColor: "#b1f3b1"
>       }, 500 );
>           jQuery("#highlight").animate({
>         backgroundColor: "white"
>       }, 500 );
>           jQuery('#clearCart').click(function() {
>                 jQuery.get("/", { clearCart: "1"} );
>                 jQuery("#minicart").html("<h1>Your Cart</h1><p>Your cart is 
> empty.</
> p>");
>                 return false;
>                 });
>           jQuery("#clearCart").confirm({
>                         msg:'Are you Sure? '
>           });
>           jQuery(".ajax-container").each(function (i) {
>             var target = this;
>                 var $target = jQuery(target);
>         var id = jQuery(this).attr("id");
>                 jQuery("#remove" + id).click(function () {
>                         jQuery("#ajaxwrapper"+id).text("");
>                         jQuery.getJSON("/ajax-cart", { clearItem: id}, 
> function(json){
>                                 if (json.e == "0") {
>                                         jQuery("#totalitems").text(json.t);
>                                         jQuery("#subtotal").text(json.s);
>                                         jQuery("#discounttotal").text(json.d);
>                                 } else {
>                                         jQuery("#minicart").html("<h1>Your 
> Cart</h1><p>Your cart is
> empty.</p>");
>                                         }
>                                 });
>                         return false;
>                         });
>                 jQuery("#inc" + id).click(function () {
>                         var quantity = $target.text();
>                         var incvalue = parseInt(quantity) + 1;
>                         $target.text(incvalue);
>                         jQuery.getJSON("/ajax-cart", { increment: id}, 
> function(json){
>                                 jQuery("#totalitems").text(json.t);
>                                 jQuery("#subtotal").text(json.s);
>                                 jQuery("#discounttotal").text(json.d);
>                                 });
>                         return false;
>                         });
>                 jQuery("#dec" + id).click(function () {
>                         var quantity = $target.text();
>                         var decvalue = parseInt(quantity) - 1;
>                         $target.text(decvalue);
>                         if (decvalue == "0") {
>                                 jQuery("#ajaxwrapper"+id).text("");
>                         }
>                         jQuery.getJSON("/ajax-cart", { decrement: id}, 
> function(json){
>                                 if (json.e == "0") {
>                                         jQuery("#totalitems").text(json.t);
>                                         jQuery("#subtotal").text(json.s);
>                                         jQuery("#discounttotal").text(json.d);
>                                 } else {
>                                         jQuery("#minicart").html("<h1>Your 
> Cart</h1><p>Your cart is
> empty.</p>");
>                                         }
>                                 });
>                         return false;
>                         });
>       });
>         jQuery(".ajax").attr({
>           href: "#"
>                 });
> });
> Any ideas?  Also any tips on making my code less redundant would be
> helpful as I am kind of new at this.

This is due to the IE implementation of XMLHTTP being a little over-
enthusiastic about using cached copies instead of going back to the
server for each request.

There are two ways of improving this, I prefer to use both ways at the
same time just to be sure.

The first way is to add a parameter to your AJAX get request that
changes every time, I usually use "nt: (new Date.getTime())", which
can be ignored by the server code.

The second way is for the server script to return a bunch of headers
telling IE and any proxy servers to go back to the server every time.
This is described at 

Hope this helps

Andy K

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