A possible alternative (untested!) to ponder upon...

function balance(list,cssClass){
         // new second 'half' of list...
    var to = jQuery('<ul></ul>'),attr({id:list+'-b',class:cssClass})
         // original list, with new id and class, and new list placed
       , from = jQuery('#'+list).attr({id:list+'-
         // list of items...
       , items = jQuery('li', from)
    // move bottom 'half' of list from from to to...
    to.append( items.slice(Math.ceil(items.length/2), items.length) );

On Dec 18, 5:14 pm, Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another patch, as I realized I needed to round the number of list
> items, otherwise it wouldn't work with uneven lists. Replace
> var itemsLength = items.length/2;
> with
> var itemsLength = Math.round(items.length/2);

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