Stefan Petre wrote:
> Maybe this helps
I've yet to work out how that thing allows /debugging/ - it's got some 
basic features for looking at various aspects of the page, but it's 
hardly a debugger IMHO?

There is a free "Microsoft Script Debugger" (MSD), but it's pants and 
quickly gets confused by even slightly complex pages.

There is also a "Microsoft Script Editor" (MSE) which comes with MS 
Office 2003+ (and possibly also FrontPage). It's far better than MSD but 
still pretty pants, as you would expect from MS.

If you want to splash the cash, you could use Microsoft Visual Studio 
but that seems like overkill to me just to get decent debugging in the 

There's Firebug Lite which you can embed in your pages, but I haven't 
tried it so don't know what it's like.

I ended up using Aptana (specifically the professional version) which 
seems to generally help me track down and solve problems, although I've 
not yet worked out how to pre-set breakpoints on sites where the JS is 
on the server and not directly accessible to me - eg. a script within a 
.jar file in a J2EE app.

I blogged about my MSIE debugging hell:


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