I am facing an issue with the toogle API. I have a tr with dynamic
Id's as Id1, Id2 etc..... Within that tr I have many td's in which one
td has an image which needs to be toggled to plus image and minus
image. That is when I click on the image, it should toggle between
plus and minus images. Also when the image is clicked another tr
should be displayed and hidden accordingly. That means a tr within a
tr and the outer tr has an image. I was trying to write the code as:

$("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'myImgId']").toggle(
    function() {
        var $trId = "#myTrId" + $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'imgId']").index(this);
    function() {
        var $trId = "#myTrId" + $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'imgId']").index(this);

But i am not getting the desired functionality of toggling. Please help

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