Ok I got it to work with verion 1.0:


I just looked at your test page, and the tips are still showing [object object]. Did you change it back?

Until this bug is fixed, you might want to just change lines 251 and 252 in jquery.cluetip.js, removing the .wrapInner() method:

Change this ...

var localCluetip = $.fn.wrapInner ? $localContent.wrapInner('<div></div>').children().clone(true) : $localContent.html(); $.fn.wrapInner ? $cluetipInner.empty().append(localCluetip) : $cluetipInner.html(localCluetip);

to this ...

        var localCluetip = $localContent.html();

This way you should be able to use both the metadata plugin and the clueTip plugin.

so now, I just need the opportunity to split the local content into
title and content of the tooltip :)

Rather than splitting the local content, can you simply put the content for the clueTip title into the title attribute of the link? That's the way it's intended to work. So, it would look like this:

<a href="..." rel="loadme1" title="This is the title"><img src="..." alt="" /></a>

Further: I don't understand why the link is followed even though I
click on abort on the confirming message (but only n Firefox and when
the tooltip is displayed ..)?

I totally misunderstood this question before. You're referring to the onclick handler on the link itself, aren't you? I thought you might be referring to a link inside the clueTip contents.

Here is what I would do for that:

1. remove the "onclick" stuff from the HTML. It plays nicer and is less obtrusive when you include the all your event handling in a separate file.

2. add .click(fn) to the $('a.help') selector. So, it would looke something like this:

        cluetipClass: 'jtip',
        arrows: true,
        dropShadow: false,
        positionBy: 'auto',
        leftOffset: 20,
        fx: {
open: 'fadeIn', // can be 'show' or 'slideDown' or 'fadeIn'
            openSpeed:  ''
        local: true
    .click(function() {
        return confirm('Diese News wirklich löschen?');

I don't know how much more time I'm going to have to help you until the 26th, so if I don't reply again before then, best wishes and Happy Holidays!

Karl Swedberg

On Dec 24, 2007, at 7:20 AM, KnoxBaby wrote:

Ok I got it to work with verion 1.0:


so now, I just need the opportunity to split the local content into
title and content of the tooltip :)

Further: I don't understand why the link is followed even though I
click on abort on the confirming message (but only n Firefox and when
the tooltip is displayed ..)?


On 24 Dez., 04:25, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The plot thickens!

I really don't know the reason ... tried everything. But one question more: When I use local content, I think the spiTitle option should be available for this too to split the local content into title/ content
or how to do that instead? thanks!

I started plucking out other stuff that was on your page, and when I
removed the metadata plugin, the problem magically vanished. Not sure
why, but it looks like something breaks with your version of the
metadata plugin and the .wrapInner() method. Can you try removing the
metadata plugin from the page and testing again? Also, might as well
remove jtip.js, just in case. I haven't tested in IE yet, but firefox
stopped displaying [object object].

Thanks, and sorry about the hassle.

Karl Swedberg

On Dec 23, 2007, at 5:36 PM, KnoxBaby wrote:

oh I missed the link to my site:

On 23 Dez., 22:39, KnoxBaby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks again for your great support and help, but it doesn't fix my
prob :(
Again my site:

it's the newest jquery file and cluetip comes from svn! I have
the spitTitle but also when I try to use rel="asd.html" without
local:true and the asd.html is in the same directory, I have an empty
tooltip ...

Now with the local content, the tooltip displays again [object
in Firefox and doesn't display the tooltip in IE :(

On 23 Dez., 22:13, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

-In IE it shows sometimes in the status bar "errors on the page",
sometimes not ... I'm a little bit confused ...
-In Firefox, Tooltips are shown correctly if I use title=""
and spitTitle in tpl/my_cluetips.js and without spitTitle and using
local:true, it shows a tooltip with [object Object] as content
-In IE, both options don't work and don't even show a tooltip with
wrong content
-in IE, the sorting of the table doesn't work on the columns with
dates in it ...

Hi there. Looks like a problem with your script is causing a
JavaScript error in the clueTip code. I believe this error could be keeping the rest of your scripts from running on document.ready, so
this could be the reason you're having all the other problems:

              cluetipClass: 'jtip',
              arrows: true,
              dropShadow: false,
              leftOffset: 20,
              fx: {
                open:       'fadeIn', // can be 'show' or
'slideDown' or 'fadeIn'
                openSpeed:  ''
              local: true,
              hideLocal: true,
              splitTitle: '|'  // this is the problem option.

Here you're using the splitTitle option as well as the local option.
You can only have one or the other. Also, those links don't have a
title attribute, and that is what is causing the error. The plugin
should really handle that more gracefully. In fact, the svn version has fixed it as of November 27 ("clueTip: fixed error (reported athttp://jquery.com/plugins/node/941)
when splitTitle is used and title attribute is empty."). If you
to use the splitTitle option, you'll need a title attribute to
split. ;-) If you want to use local content, remove the splitTitle

-whgen the tooltips are shown and you click the delete link and
on "abort", the link is clicked even though the browser should

This is because you need to attach the event handler to the abort
after the clueTip is populated with the content. Actually, if you're
using local content and jQuery 1.2.x, it should work. Otherwise,
you're going to have to re-bind the click event to the link. Shawn
Grover wrote an excellent blog entry on "Using the jQuery clueTip
plugin with dynamic content" (thanks, Shawn!!), which might give you
some ideas:http://grover.open2space.com/node/191

I'm planning to package up the last month's improvements/bug fixes
into a new release within the next few days. In the meantime, if you
want to grab the version from svn, feel free.


If you want to stick with the version you have, then fix that local:
true / splitTitle: '|' issue, and we can take another look.

Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Dec 23, 2007, at 2:16 PM, KnoxBaby wrote:

OK I have a test page online:


there are the following probs:

-In IE it shows sometimes in the status bar "errors on the page",
sometimes not ... I'm a little bit confused ...
-In Firefox, Tooltips are shown correctly if I use title=""
and spitTitle in tpl/my_cluetips.js and without spitTitle and using
local:true, it shows a tooltip with [object Object] as content
-In IE, both options don't work and don't even show a tooltip with
wrong content
-in IE, the sorting of the table doesn't work on the columns with
dates in it ...
-whgen the tooltips are shown and you click the delete link and
on "abort", the link is clicked even though the browser should

thanks in advance
I hope you can help me with the probs and I hope that many problems
result of one or two central problems so it's not too much wrong
it :)
thanks sooo much!!

On 23 Dez., 00:21, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you have a page that I can look at? I'm not sure what the
could be at this point. Have you seen the example (#6) on the demo
page that uses local content?


A comparison of your attempt and the demo might help. I'd be
happy to
help further, but I think I'll need more information.


On Dec 22, 2007, at 10:19 AM, firstlor wrote:


first: thanks :)
It doesn't work still ... it shows the tooltip without an title
with [Object object] as content ... in IE7 and IE6 it doesnt show
tooltip ... :(

On 21 Dez., 19:31, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi firstlor,

I think the problem in your situation might be that you're
clueTip to use both the title attribute ( using splitTitle:
'|' )
the local element ( using local: true ). I cleaned up your
map, removing redundant or conflicting options. Please try this
version and let me know if you still experience the problem:

// Tipps für die Hilfen auf Icons:
            cluetipClass: 'jtip',
            arrows: true,
            dropShadow: false,
            leftOffset: 20,
            fx: {
              open:       'fadeIn', // can be 'show' or
'slideDown' or 'fadeIn'
              openSpeed:  ''
            local: true,
            hideLocal: true,

Here are the options that I removed:

            hoverIntent: false, // <-- you later set
with the
default settings
//sticky: true, // <-- this is commented out anyway
            //mouseOutClose: true, //  <-- this is commented
            closePosition: 'title', // <-- since sticky: true
commented out,
this is no longer necessary
            closeText: '<img src=\"img/delete.gif\" alt=
\"Schließen\" />', //
<-- since sticky: true is commented out, this is no longer
            splitTitle: '|', //  <-- ****** this one is
the option that
is causing your problems
            positionBy: 'auto', //  <-- this is 'auto' by
default, so unnecessary
            hoverIntent: {, //  <-- these are the hoverIntent
defaults, so
                    sensitivity:  3,
                    interval:     50,
                    timeout:      0


Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Dec 21, 2007, at 7:45 AM, firstlor wrote:


I want to use cluetip for displaying tooltips :) If I do it
everything works fine:

// Tipps für die Hilfen auf Icons:
       cluetipClass: 'jtip',
       arrows: true,
       dropShadow: false,
       hoverIntent: false,
       //sticky: true,
       //mouseOutClose: true,
       closePosition: 'title',
closeText: '<img src=\"img/delete.gif\" alt= \"Schließen
\" />',
       splitTitle: '|',
       positionBy: 'auto',
       leftOffset: 20,
       fx: {
open: 'fadeIn', // can be 'show' or 'slideDown'
or 'fadeIn'
         openSpeed:  ''
       hoverIntent: {
               sensitivity:  3,
               interval:     50,


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