Okay, I think I just found it. Before I posted this question I was searching
google for "javascript programmatic cut and paste" (and other variations on
that theme), but getting no where. Just a bit ago it occurred to me that was
I was really trying to do was get access to the clipboard. Duh. A search for
"javascript clipboard access" returned what I was looking for --

Before folks start writing to tell me that this is a security risk, keep in
mind that a) my app is for company intranet use only and not available to
the general public and b) I'm not using the control for evil... only for
good ;o) I won't be storing the information for any long term use, or
tracking what IP had what in their clipboard... nothing like that. I'm one
of the good guys *show's everyone his white hat*

Also, I realize that the method I mentioned above only works for IE which is
okay for me because when users launch this app they don't get a browser
choice. It's automattically using IE 6.

All that said, comments are still welcomed. :o)


On 12/26/07, Chris Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to use jQuery (or javascript in general) to
> programmatically controll copy and paste functions? I'd like to replace the
> right-click context menu and *only* offer the ability to cut and paste. I
> was looking at using Chris Domigan's ContextMenu plug-in to capture the
> right-click and replace the stock menu with my own, but then it occurred to
> me that I don't know how I would control the copying and pasting ability.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
> http://cjordan.us


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