Remember event bubbling is taking place for ALL events.

I suspect you will need to stop the event propagation to resolve this 
issue.  This can be done one of two ways:

1) Return false from your click handler function.
$("#r1").click(function () {
   return false;

2) call stopPropagation() method of the event object
$("#r1").click(function (e) {

Also, in your sample code, you have $('r1').  There is no tags called 
"r1".  I suspect you meant $("#r1"), and that this is just a typo in 
your post.  But you might want to check that.. :)



Michael Nosal wrote:
> If I have a div with a label and input in it:
> <div id="tab">
>   <input type="radio" id="r1" value="foo">
>   <label for="r1">My Label</label>
> </div>
> and I add a click handler like so:
> $('r1').click(function() {
>   window.console.log("hello");
> });
> Clicking the div or the radio button gets one call to the click function.
> Clicking the label element results in the click function being called twice.
> Known? Unknown? Workaround?
> Using jquery 1.2.1
> --Mike N.

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