Hi John,

Thanks for the answer. I´ll poste the two code, I´m using.

First code ==========================

var IM_COURSE = {};
IM_COURSE.createMenu = function() {
                type: 'GET',
                url: '../assets/menu.xml',
                dataType: ( $.browser.msie) ? 'text' : 'xml',
                success: function( xmlData) {
                        var xml;
                        if ( typeof xmlData == 'string') {
                                xml = new ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XMLDOM');
                                xml.async = false;
                                xml.loadXML( xmlData);
                        } else {
                                xml = xmlData;
                        $(xml).find('chapter').each(function(i) {

The second code =================================

IM_COURSE.createMenu = function() {
                type: 'GET',
                url: '../assets/menu.xml',
                dataType: 'xml',
                success: function( data) {
                        $(data).find('chapter').each(function(i) {

With the first code, I got the menu structure be created. But the
alert in IE is showing yet (some message about security). With the
second code, the menu structure isn´t created and he have just the IE7

I have did some wrong in the code?


PS. Sorry for my poor english.

On Dec 27, 1:41 pm, "John Resig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We've already fixed this in jQuery - in fact we've been doing this for
> quite some time now (using ActiveX instead of the preferred
> XMLHttpRequest). I assume your problem must lie elsewhere.
> --John
> On Dec 27, 2007 7:44 AM, Leandro Vieira Pinho
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> > Some months ago, I have created a menu using a structure from a XML
> > file. But using, the Adobe Spry Framework. When I have tried in IE 7,
> > the menu doesn´t function. But the version 1.5 of that Framework has
> > fixed the problem. Looks:
> > "Modified createXMLHttpRequest() so that it tries to use the ActiveX
> > version of the XMLHttpRequest object first, so that developers can
> > still load file:// urls when running IE7 in the local zone."
> > These days, I have created another menu using a strucutre from a XML
> > file. But now, using jQuery. And the problem occur again, that is, the
> > IE 7 can´t load file:// urls when running in the local zone.
> > The menu is used in an application delivery in a CD-ROM.
> > So, is possible to see it fixed in a new version of jQuery? Better,
> > how to fix it now, for my application stay cool?
> > Thanks

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