Okay, I don't know if this is playing a role in my "issue" or not, but
it now seems that it might be.  Hopefully the jQuery experts can set
me straight.  This is the actual block that I was using.  Note that
there are -two- "rules" (is that even the right term?) for the
'.cluetip-wide' class; one by itself, followed by one that pertains to
nesting under a caption tag.

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('.cluetip-wide').cluetip({width: 450px'});
        $('caption .cluetip-wide').cluetip({topOffset: '-15px', width:

The above results in the topOffset being ignored.  However, changing
that block to the following has solved my dilemma for now.  While that
is wonderful, I'd like to know _why_ it solved the "issue".

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('.cluetip-wide').cluetip({positionBy: 'mouse', width: '450px'});
        $('caption .cluetip-wide').cluetip({positionBy: 'mouse', topOffset:
'-15px', width: '450px'});

Thanks again,


> Hello,
> I am using the ClueTip plugin for the first time, and I'm loving it.
> However, I am having difficulty with positioning whenever I supply both
> 'topOffset' and 'width' as arguments.  One without the other works just
> fine, but together, 'topOffset' is totally ignored.
> $(document).ready(function() {
>     $('caption .cluetip-wide').cluetip({topOffset: '-15px', width:
> '450px'});
> });
> Any "clues" or "tips" showing me the errors of my ways would be most
> appreciated.  :-)
> Thanks in advance,
> Matt

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