
Your confusion is due to the fact that there are two date picker plugins. Mine and Marc's. Marc's plugin was previously called jQuery calendar but was renamed to date picker at some point and included in the jQuery UI library.

I hope that clears thing up,

Kelvin :)

Shawn wrote:
I'm sure this is old news, but....

Getting details for the Datepicker plugin isn't very smooth. Going through http://plugins.jquery.com, and bringing up the plugin page and then clicking the Home Page link. This takes you to Kelvin Luck's URL (http://kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/). However this seems to be out of date, as the Marc Grabanski (http://marcgrabanski.com/code/ui-datepicker/) URL shows version 3.2 (not v2 as indicated by Kelvin's page).

Clicking the documentation link (from the main plugin page), takes you again to Kelvin's domain (http://kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/v2/demo/documentation.html) whereas the official documentation seems to be at http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker.

Finally, the "try out a demonstration" link (again from the main plugin page) takes you once again to Kelvin's domain and appears to be out of date (http://kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/v2/demo/). Whereas the link from the jQuery documentation page (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker) for "Demos and Examples" takes you to Marc's domain (http://marcgrabanski.com/code/ui-datepicker/).

I was just typing up a quick HowTo (http://jquery.open2space.com/node/59) and noticed the discrepancies. For someone *just* starting out, this can be confusing simply because it makes it a little tougher to find the *right* documentation. Anything we can do about this??

(Sorry Kelvin - not meaning to bash you at all - it took a lot of effort to get those pages in place, but Marc's pages seem to be more up to date...)

My observations... :)


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