I would like to announce the launch of http://www.brightegg.com, a new web
platform for building/managing professional-looking websites built with
jQuery. Brightegg utilizes several popular jQuery plugins, including
blockUI, datePicker, cookie, corner, superfish, and validate. jQuery is
Brightegg's primary toolkit, although the main application uses a
combination of Dojo and FCKeditor as well. 


Brightegg offers full-featured website building, including the addition of
forms and customization options for a myriad of design themes. All of
Brightegg's design themes are provided by our growing community of
designers, and Brightegg also supports the use of custom designs. All forms
come with built-in client-side validation (using the jQuery validate plugin)
as well as server-side validation (the server framework is developed with
CakePHP). Date fields include an AJAX calendar (jquery.datePicker) and all
textareas are expandable (using jQuery).


I would like to personally thank John Resig for this wonderful toolkit as
well as the plugin authors. Keep up the great work!

Thank you and Happy New Year!



Ryan Rose
Chief Technology Officer
Digiwize, Inc.
One Technology Drive
Tolland, CT 06084
p: 860.730.2631
Build, Manage and Market A Better Website


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