Hi Bryan,
I've been tinkering with something along the same lines for awhile now
unfortunately your url was truncated so i'm not 100% certain this is
the same as the example you gave but take a look


I'm still getting my feet wet with jquery but its starting to get
somewhere. (Any jquery ninjas feel free to suggest changes &
optimisations !)
Currently it can extract the link from the carousel image, load the
image while displaying a loading graphic then animate (fade) in the
selected image
I also preload the images for the first thumbnails displayed and the
jcarousel auto scroll function can work like a slideshow to trigger
the loading of the images sequentially (needs more work though)

control the slideshow with a toggle link
add another callback function prior to the image being loaded to check
if its already displayed
make the height of the big image container stay the same as the last
image so it doesn't jump so much when changing images
maybe add optional captions from the thumbnail title
tidy & optimise

Hope this is of some  help to you


On Dec 18 2007, 10:49 pm, Bryank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I must say thejCarousellocated here is 
> fantastic:http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/
> Now, The effect with the thickbox is nice, but I would love it if
> there was a Jquery plugin that mixedjCarouselwith SlideViewer.
> So basically, on this 
> page:http://www.gcmingati.net/wordpress/wp-content/lab/jquery/imagestrip/i...
> you where all the numbers are clickable to initiate the slide effect,
> the numbers would be thumbnails of the all the possible image choices,
> but those thumbnails would be inside ajCarouseleffect.
> Basically, replace the numbers 
> onhttp://www.gcmingati.net/wordpress/wp-content/lab/jquery/imagestrip/i...
> withjCarouseland it would be done?
> Is there an existing solution like that, or can someone may whip up an
> example of how that can be done?
> Thanks,
> Br yan

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