Could you provide a link to the code actually running?  It is hard to
debug code without having the entire context.  Thanks.

On Jan 2, 6:38 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> In a form, I'm cloning a number of times a portion of html that
> displays a sub form. Now, that subform contains date input fields
> which *should* display the date picker plugin. The plugin works fine
> on other input dates, but not on the cloned ones.
> I tried previously with the masked Plugin and i also had issues with
> it, so i suspect i'm the faulty one here...
> Any idea what i 'm doing wrong?
> Here is the cloning code if that can help:
>     $.datepicker.setDefaults({
>         showOn: 'both',
>         buttonImageOnly: true,
>         buttonImage: '../_js/jquery_plugins/ui/datePicker/3.2/
> calendar.gif',
>         buttonText: 'Calendar',
>                 dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
>                 speed: 'fast'
>     });
>     $(".isADate").datepicker();
> // more code .. then comes this:
> $('#weekamount').bind("change", function(){
>         $weeks = $(this).val();
>         $('.newWeek').remove();
>         for (i = 0; i < $weeks; i++) {
>             $('#templateUI legend').text('Semaine ' + parseInt(i +
> 1));
>             $
> ('#templateUI').clone(true).fadeIn("slow").addClass('newWeek').attr('id',
> '#templateUI' + i).appendTo('#addWeekUIholder').css({
>                 backgroundColor: "yellow"
>             }).animate({
>                 backgroundColor: 'white'
>             }, 1000);
>             //$(".newWeek .isADate").mask("99/99/9999");
>               $(".isADate").datepicker();
>         }
>     });

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