oh, right u are. interesting that firefox didn't throw any errors
there and succesfully targeted all of the child elements-
thanks for ur help!!

On Jan 3, 7:12 pm, "Karl Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm the '>' on it's own shouldn't select anything. Add '*' after it, e.g.:
>   $('comments>comment:eq('+i+')>*',xml)
> That should select all child elements.
> Karl Rudd
> On Jan 4, 2008 8:28 AM, chrismarx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > this one's odd.
> > this works:
> >  $('comments>comment:eq('+i+')',xml).each(function(){
> >             responses[i][$(this).attr("NAME")] = $(this).text();
> >  });
> > but this doesn't:
> >  $('comments>comment:eq('+i+')>',xml).each(function(){
> >             responses[i][$(this).attr("NAME")] = $(this).text();
> >  });
> > the only difference being the extra ">" in the selector
> >  $('comments>comment:eq('+i+')',xml)
> >  $('comments>comment:eq('+i+')>',xml)
> > i need to access the child elements. this works fine in firefox. in ie
> > i get this error
> > Line: 19
> > Char: 222
> > Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
> > Code:0
> > etc
> > and then is rightfully throws other "undefined" errors from lines in
> > my own code, since the selector failed.
> > any ideas?

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