I have an application that is very processor-intensive. It can takes
up to a minute to run. In order to keep the browser from bringing up a
dialog that asks the user if he or she wants to bail, I break the work
into chunks that are chained together with setTimout().

I'm having trouble getting smooth jQuery animations to happen during
this processing, so I've just gone with intermittent graphic updates
(like moving the progress bar). Is there any way to get smooth
animation while JavaScript is thinking hard?  Should I be doing this
some other way than breaking the work up into setTimer chunks?

I'm a novice with JavaScript timers. Am I missing some timer functions
I should know about? Any way to make sure animations (such as
fadeIn()) go smoothly?

Aside: Safari has an incredibly fast JavaScript interpreter. What
takes 20 in Safari takes 30 in FF and 40 in IE.

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