I put a bug in for UI (months ago) that demonstrated that the drop
function was running twice (the bug # was around 1542 or so -
http://dev.jquery.com/report doesn't show any bugs for me, although
I've entered several plus it gives me a MySQL error when I try to do a
custom search)

Don't know if the double drop bug was ever fixed or if this could be
your problem.

On Jan 5, 12:13 pm, quard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello. I'm trying to create drag'n'drop interface with jQuery UI.
> See code for adding to node.
> $("#dropzone").droppable({
>                         accept: '.imagethumb',
>                         activeClass: 'droppable-active',
>                         hoverClass: 'droppable-hover',
>                         drop: function(ev, ui) {
>                                 var id = $(ui.draggable.element).attr("id");
>                                 var src = $("#" + id).find("img")[0];
>                                 src = $(src).attr("src");
>                                 var el = $("<img/>").attr("id", id +
> "d").attr("src",src).addClass("draggable").draggable({revert: true});
>                                 $("#dropzone").append(el);
>                         }
>                 });
> If I drop element without FireBug checking and debugging,.I have two
> element, (then 4, 6, 8, 10 and etc)
> But if I create breakpoint and debug script only one element added.
> Can't understand how it happens and what to do =(

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