best to see the live page-

On Jan 6, 9:32 pm, "Steffan A. Cline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 1/6/08 5:29 PM, chrismarx at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > first, it would be better jquery technique to bind your img outside of
> > the onclick
> > $('#imgID').click(function(){
> >          $('#logo').click();
> > });
> > what function is executed when you trigger the click event on the logo
> > input?
> > On Jan 6, 5:46 pm, "Steffan A. Cline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Running into something strange. I have an image with an onclick handler 
> >> that
> >> calls on a hidden <input type="file" id="logo" ....> via
> >> <img src="xx" onclick="$('#logo').click()">
> >> This works flawlessly in Safari, IE 6 & 7 but not in FF Mac (not sure about
> >> PC). Any ideas?
> >> Also, what is the best way when taking this approach? I have it where the
> >> file input is in a div. I initially tried using display:none for the
> >> container div but the file inputs stopped working. I changed the div to
> >> visibility:hidden and height: 0px and it works (with the exception above)
> >> anyone have a better suggestion on how to hide these inputs better?
> >> I am using jquery
> >> Suggestions?
> >> Thanks
> >> Steffan
> I am hiding the file inputs and then parsing the data from the file input
> onchange and placing it into a dummy text field so that there are no paths
> etc when the end user views it. As you know, some browsers prepend the path
> to the name in the file input and I wasn't thrilled with that. By trimming
> the path and displaying only the file name looked more appealing. The end
> user wants to have their own add/delete buttons for the images rather than
> the standard "choose" button. The odd thing is that when I use the DOM
> inspector in FF it shows that the image has the click attribute so I am not
> sure why it's not firing. Would it beneficial to show all of the code or is
> there enough mentioned to see why the click event fails? Odd that FF does
> not show any errors or warnings in the error console.
> Thanks
> Steffan
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
> Steffan A. Cline
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                             Phoenix, 
> Az                                 USA
> AIM : SteffanC          ICQ : 57234309
> YAHOO : Steffan_Cline   MSN : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline             Lasso Partner Alliance Member
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

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