It looks like you've got some syntax errors. In the first example, <ul
id="c-rply-to'+id+'></ul> is missing a double quote:
<ul id="c-rply-to'+id+'"></ul> (that's a single quote followed by a
double right after id+
In the second, #('#c-r"+id"") should be $('#c-r'+id)

See if that works

On Jan 6, 4:28 pm, chrismarx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> in firefox this works fine
> var id = 1;
> $parent.append('<div id="c-r'+id+'" class="c-replies c-hide"
> style="display: none;"><ul id="c-rply-to'+id+'></ul></div>');
> but in ie, no ul gets created.
> next i tried appending the ul to the newly created div (and yes, the
> div was found)
> var id = 1;
> $parent.append('<div id="c-r'+id+'" class="c-replies c-hide"
> style="display: none;"></div>');
> #("#c-r"+id"").append("<ul></ul>");
> that didnt work either. i had to resort to this
> var iediv = document.getElementById("c-r"+id);
> var newElem = document.createElement('ul');
> = "c-rply-to"+id+"";
> iediv.appendChild(newElem);
> can someone spot the problem?

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