
Thanks for all your answers. I'm going to look at this solutions.
I'm not sure I will be able to modify each page ...

Thanks again.
It will help me.

On 7 jan, 14:39, aldur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So what you want is that you have a site map structure and when you
> mouse over a link it runs off and gets a specific DIV from that page?
> it should be possible to use ajax to retrieve the page html source and
> parse it for a specific div.  large memory hog.
> would it be possible for you to add a bit of code to each page that
> would render just the div that you want as you could pass that as a
> parameter when calling the ajax function
> ie
> http://mysite/mystructure/mypage.php?showID=myID
> this way would be quicker as you would not be loading all the page
> content.

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