Oops, sorry about that.  Try this inside the 'before' callback:

var index = $(this).parent().children().index(this);


On Jan 8, 2008 2:49 PM, kwsath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Cycle Plugin does this for you. The active pager element will
> > have an "activeSlide" class assigned to it. If you want to roll your
> > own then you can get the index like this:
> >
> > function onBefore() {
> > var index = $(this).index();
> > // update controls...
> >
> > }
> >
> > Mike
> Thanks for the reply Mike. The "activeSlide" class is great to know.
> I'm still having trouble accessing the index in my own function. I
> tried the above code before posting here and get -1 indicating there
> is no match.
> If I look at the contents of "this" it appears to be the current
> slide. Yet if I try to get the contents of a div with class "label"
> which is found in the current slide it doesn't work. Such as: var
> labelText = $(this).filter(".label").text(); I'm just a little
> confused as to what I'm actually dealing with when I use "this." For
> instance if I check $("#feature-player").index(this); I get nothing
> (feature-player being the id of the wrapper for the whole slideshow).
> But if I check $("*").index(this) I do get numbers returned. But the
> numbers aren't useful unless I know what the context of the indexing
> is. Maybe I'm missing something simple here. Any help would be
> appreciated.
> What I'm trying to do is access a label for each slide. I currently
> have the label inside each slide div. So however I can access this
> would be great. But as I've described above - both solutions I can
> think of don't seem to be working.
> Again - thanks so much for your response. I appreciate you sharing
> your knowledge.

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