Thanks, George. You know, anymore when I'm doing javascript I just
have jQuery on the brain, so naturally I posted what's mostly a
general javascript question to a jQuery group. Well, actually, I was
hoping to find some elegant jQuery voodoo or perhaps a plugin that
does this before reverting to something more rudimentary or rolling my
own. ;-)

Thanks again.

On Jan 10, 8:17 am, George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not aware of any existing solution so I'd probably consider using
> regular expressions to add line feeds and tabs between elements. It
> will help alot if you can assume the xml will be well formed. Given
> the nature of this forum you might also consider a jQuery solution
> that iterates (recursively?) through the tree to copy element names
> and attributes as xml to a text string.
> George
> On Jan 9, 8:35 pm, bweaverusenet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Any ideas? Thanks! -bill

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