Here is my solution.  Do everything inside Modal_1's iframe and use
the parent property instead of trying to do things inside the main
browser window.

This is suboptimal because for some of my forms it is nice to have a
sizable modal open and this forces any modals that open inside the
iframe to be as small as the iframe.

anyway, now if $.post() and the server would stop ending their
conversation at the "Loading..." stage and actually load some data :-)

On Jan 9, 9:07 pm, "Matt Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps this is a non-standard way to use jqModal, but I use it pretty
> much exclusively for dynamic form popups.  My modal DIVs are
> dynamically generated and have iframes for content.
> My use case is:
> 1) open Modal_1 (generates a div with id="div_order" containing an
> iframe with id="if_order")
> 2) close Modal_1
> 3) open another new copy of Modal_1 (page now has two iframes with
> id="if_order")
> 4) try to refer to $("#if_order") and you get one confused browser
> (Firefox) and plenty of "undefined"s ...
> My problem arises because close() uses jqmHide() which does not
> destroy/remove any of the modals it is done with.
> Is there a way to make jqModal destroy a modal and its associated
> stuff, rather than leaving all the now useless garbage cluttering up
> the DOM?

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