Anyone have an idea why i cant cancel the the normal action of the button in this example?

y download the page and modified it, only

            function pageselectCallback(page_id, jq){
                        $('#Searchresult').text("Showing search results "+((page_id*10)+1)+"-"+((page_id*10)+10));
                        return false;
                // Create pagination element
                $("#Pagination").pagination(300, {
                    num_edge_entries: 2,
                    num_display_entries: 8,
                    link_to: "something.htm",
                    callback: pageselectCallback

>From the doc (

	A callback function that is called when a user clicks on the link. the The 
	function receives two parameters: the new page id and the pagination 
	container (a DOM element). If the callback returns false, the event 
	propagation is stopped. Default value: ``function(){return false;}``


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