On Opera 9.25 the corners of the green titles is not at the right position. Its something like 12 px too much to right and 4px too much down.

On the example "BORDER: 1 DISPLAY: INLINE"
the 4 corners seems to be too much inside of the block and should move of 2px approximativelly.

weepy wrote:
Hi I'd like to announce my latest jQuery plugin. I hope you'll find it


# Antialiased
# Very Fast
# Support for any size radius and border width with minimal
performance increase
# No excanvas
# Current layout is maintained
# Works with all tested positions/display/floats
# Supports fluid layouts
# Original div still shows through, so can easily do hover/background
# Script is only 4.0k uncompressed

# IE6 has some slight problems with the VML in some cases
# Mac/Safari doesn't work (Windows Safari is fine)

You can see it in action here :


Look forward to your comments


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