Im seeing this too.

This Works.


function() {




This does not:


function() {




php webpage snippit

<fieldset class=" collapsible"><legend>Categories</legend><div
 <label for="edit-taxonomy-8">Aid Year: <span class="form-required"
title="This field is required.">*</span></label>
 <select name="taxonomy[8][]" multiple="multiple"  class="form-select
required" id="edit-taxonomy-8"  size="4"><option value="23"
selected="selected">2006-07</option><option value="20">2007-08</
option><option value="21">2008-09</option><option value="22">2009-10</

 <div class="description">Select one or more aid years (hold down
[Ctrl] to select more than one year).</div>
<div class="form-item">
 <label for="edit-taxonomy-5">Product: </label>
 <select name="taxonomy[5]" class="form-select" id="edit-taxonomy-5"
><option value="0">&lt;none&gt;</option><option value="25">Batch
Program</option><option value="24">Desktop Application</option><option
value="26">Electronic Data Interchange</option><option
value="13">PeopleSoft</option><option value="15">-Modules</
option><option value="16">-Reports</option><option value="14">Web

<div class="form-item">
 <label for="edit-taxonomy-9">Eqiupment Request: </label>
 <select name="taxonomy[9]" class="form-select" id="edit-taxonomy-9"
><option value="0">&lt;none&gt;</option><option value="32">Laptop</
option><option value="34">Projector</option><option
value="33">Videoconference Setup</option></select>

Im trying to grab those taxonomy selects...

On Dec 20 2007, 2:22 am, "Nicolas Le Thierry d'Ennequin"
> Hi jQuery group,
> The simple piece of code below is designed to highlight table cells
> whose class name is that of the currently hovered one (to visually
> group them). In my example the class name itself is film + id (film1,
> film2, etc) so I use the [attribute^=value] selector. OK to that
> point, but if the class attribute happens to have whitespace-separated
> "extra content" for css purposes (eg class="film1 small" ), the
> selector doesn't capture the element. More generally it seems to dodge
> any attribute value ending with a white-space + another char. Any idea
> why?
> <code>
> $(document).ready(function() {
>   $("[class^='film']").bind("mouseover",function() {
>         $
> ("."+this.attributes['class'].value).css({"cursor":"pointer","background-
> color":"#FFCC99"});
>   });
>   $("[class^='film']").bind("mouseout",function() {
>         $
> ("."+this.attributes['class'].value).css({"cursor":"pointer","background-
> color":"transparent"});
>   });
> </code>
> Thanks.

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