Couple updates. Batch control, start of transport management, working out
better event handling. I think everything is in place for the chat demo to
completely work, but I have not had time yet to rewrite the whole thing.
Feed back appreciated as usual.

On Jan 9, 2008 10:17 AM, Morgan Allen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks. Peter, I agree with your suspicions for transport issues. That is
> the second major goal for me after I am sure the protocol portions are
> working. I will then start implementing cross domain calls.
> On Jan 8, 2008 9:11 PM, Peter E Higgins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Tuesday 08 January 2008, Morgan Allen wrote:
> > > I have been working on implementing the Bayeux protocol in jQuery and
> > with
> > > the recent talk on the list about LIVE ajax and server pushing I
> > thought
> > > now would be a good time to release the early work and start getting
> > some
> > > feedback. It will work on Jettys Cometd Echo Demo. To get it to work,
> > > remove all the dojo scripts, and jquery and this plugin. In your on
> > ready
> > > add $.comet.init('/cometd'). Bind a listener to an element listening
> > for
> > > '/service/echo' and publish ($.comet.publish) a message to the echo
> > service
> > > $.comet.publish('/service/echo', {msg: 'what ever message'}). The
> > second
> > > param of the event trigger will be that data return from the Cometd
> > server.
> > > Subscriptions are a bit shaky at the moment, I am rewriting the
> > chatroom
> > > demo to ensure it is working. Check out the code at
> > >
> > > and the project page at
> > >
> >
> > Thats great!  I'm anxious to see this evolve, so please keep us/me
> > informed.
> > The first limitation I suspect is the single transport forcing
> > same-domain/same-port xhr-limitations ... i'd also suggest implementing
> > an
> > unsubsribe method, because you won't always want to be be polling on
> > some
> > channels.  Awesome stuff though.  Looking forward to seeing where you
> > can
> > take it. I am a big fan of comet.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Peter Higgins
> >
> --
> Lets make up more accronyms!
> Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation of
> bike nerdity.

Lets make up more accronyms!
Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation of
bike nerdity.

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