I really need help badly with this -------- Mensaje original -------- Anyone have an idea why i cant cancel the the normal action of the button, im keep getting redirect to the "somethin.htm" in this example? http://www.d-scribe.de/webtools/jquery-pagination/demo.htm y download the page and modified it, only function pageselectCallback(page_id, jq){ return false; } $(document).ready(function(){ // Create pagination element $("#Pagination").pagination(300, { num_edge_entries: 2, num_display_entries: 8, link_to: "something.htm", callback: pageselectCallback }); >From the doc (http://d-scribe.de/webtools/jquery-pagination/lib/jquery_pagination/README) callback A callback function that is called when a user clicks on the link. the The function receives two parameters: the new page id and the pagination container (a DOM element). If the callback returns false, the event propagation is stopped. Default value: ``function(){return false;}`` Thx, |
- [jQuery] [Fwd: [jQuery] Pagination stop propagation] Sebastián V. Würtz
- [jQuery] Re: [Fwd: [jQuery] Pagination stop prop... Sebastián V. Würtz